We have been able to follow a few leads in the search for housing and will need to make more trips to check out all the options. Housing is difficult in this city. There is not a lot available for rent. We also need to keep security in mind as much as possible. The safest places are all in gated, armed, private communities, but rents there are well beyond our means.
The middle class areas are full. People are reluctant to give up these places and keep them in the family. Wait for a rental can be up to a year. Other possible places are only made known by word of mouth and you have to be on the ball.
A missionary friend in the town has been directing us and has been very helpful. I was so happy to finally meet her and her husband. Through her we were able to look at a few possibilities. We also met a wonderful missionary family that works with the Ache tribe here.
Sunday was spent in getting to know the town more and visiting a small Baptist church. Sunday night we had a big storm which knocked out the power.The hotel was completely dark until they eventually started a generator which provided emergency lighting in the halls.
All the guest opened their doors and we sat and visited in the halls which felt quite neighborly! I met a Brazilian lady married to a Uruguayan man and their children that way. Everyone made a party of it and no one complained. I could not help but compare their acceptance of the situation to what I would have thought a typical American response may have been... anyway, a few hours later, the lights came back on and we all retreated into our private worlds once again. I guess I miss the tribal community and shared lifestyle of a village.
Monday morning we did a little shopping as we can get Brazilian products there. Things we can not find in Asuncion. Really important stuff!
That stuff is life saving--especially the cake mix! WOOOHHOOO for you!!!
I'm so glad you found the Doritos!
Great Stuff !
The missionary amiga was very happy to meet you too and said to say: "Anytime!"
Well, you have your work cut out for you. We will certainly be praying as you make all the decisions. Nice to know you have some help. ...and nice to know that you can buy some fun food every time you go over--something to look forward to!
So a new adventure awaits! Glad to know you're not looking for a hut, Keeping those mud floors looking good is such a pain!
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