Friday, December 11, 2009

Surgery on Tuesday

This REBEL will be taking a PAUSE from the blog next week.... ENJOYING not USING...I think...

I will be having surgery on Tuesday. Not the best time for it, but that is how it happens some times. I will be in the hospital for 3 or 4 days and will be absent from the blog during that time. I am sure I will come back with interesting tales from my first Paraguayan  hospital experience!

My surgeon is Russian, and as I mentioned, we sort of understand each others Spanish. He says I am getting  every 'ectomy' possible!  Or , I think that is what he said...maybe it was a lobotomy? It would seem equally appropriate right now...

Please keep me in your prayers ~ and my husband too! This will be another Christmas for the family lore, like The Gallbladder Christmas of 2004.

And I'm off...


Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Definitely, Jungle Mom! I pray God guides the surgeon's hands, that you go through it well, and that recovery is easy. May you have peace, Friend! Have a great weekend!

julie said...

Yikes! I'll be praying for you, Jungle Mom.

Gringo said...

Hope you have a successful and pain-free experience in the hospital.

Subvet said...

You're in my prayers.

Thursday's Child said...

I'll be praying for you. God bless and keep you safe.

Findalis said...

Prayers will be lift to the Lord. May His hands be the guiding force for your doctor. And May your healing be a quick and painless one.

Right Truth said...

Prayers for you and your surgeon that all will go well and you will be back home and on the mend quickly

Right Truth

Mrs. Who said...

Prayers are with you, sweet lady!

brat said...

Prayers from Bratville - with absolute faith....and love.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon!

Kathy said...

Will be praying (and visiting too!)! :) Just read the gallbladder experience! MAN! After that, anything will be a piece of cake I'm sure! I'm glad you'll be able to recuperate in your own bed--that's the best!

Norberto Kurrle said...

Will be praying for you, Rita!

firepig said...

Rita, I wish you all the luck in the world I will keep you in my heart and meditations.I feel sure it will be a cinch for you as you are a strong lady.

Can't wait to hear how you are doing and how it goes in the Paraguayan hospital.

Pineapples are good for inflammation.The first week or so, take it real easy and don't walk that much.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it is nothing serious and that all goes well. I'll be thinking of you.

Shane Rios said...

I'll be praying for ya' =)

MightyMom said...

never heard of a vag lobotomy....THAT would be interesting huh?

why in the hosp so long? I had a TON of work done "down there" and still had to refuse to leave after 24 hours. Stupid man had promised me 48 hours peace ~~ahem, hospital misery~~ and I took every MINUTE of it!!

Glenn B said...

Good luck. Here is hoping for a pseedy and full recovery.