Paraguay is a nice place, but the shopping in Argentina was better! The food was good too! Especially the dough nuts we found!!!!
I was thrilled to find zip locks. Ok , they were very expensive, about a dollar a piece, but that is what I asked my husband for Christmas. I also found out an online friend is bringing me some from Curacao so, considering we re-use them, I should be set for year or so. That is such a comforting thought. I did not realize I was zip lock dependent!
I am still tired from the bus trip. Wednesday we left at 1 pm and arrived at the hotel around
10 pm. Went to Wal Mart in the morning and the rest of the family went to the Mall while I rested my back in the hotel. Stupid BACK!!! Then we had a nice dinner along the Parana River which made us all miss Ciudad Bolivar and the Paseo along the Orinoco River in Venezuela.
Caught the bus back to AsunciĆ³n at 12:30 am arriving home at 7 am .
I'll tell you later about all the things I saw and the soap opera cell call we had to listen to on the bus! But...I saw a llama! Yes, right on the side of the high way!
I need to get some rest as my back is complaining about the abuse it was given the last two days. Unfortunately, it will take me at least two days to get over it. But sometimes, you just got to live a little! Chronic pain or not, right????
OK! I made all that up! Really, I am a CIA spy and I was sent under cover to discover the where abouts of some very dangerous types. Of course, I had to do all this disguised as middle age gringa wandering through the Wal Mart Super Center! My contact man was a certain 'Paco' in the Chaco with whom I shared a Taco!! Then I was off to the UN to give them my report after which I flew to Israel to share some sensitive intel!!!!

Jungle Mom, I wish you were an arms smuggler. Argentine Mausers are highly sought after by collectors, but almost impossible to find now. Most of those in the states were sporterized by morons. Argentina sold a lot of them to neighboring states but ground off the crest which ruined them for collectors. If I went to Argentina, I would bring back a huge load of Mausers hidden under a bunch of sugar cane or whatever! :-)
I hope you ate a couple of steaks while you were there. It used to be the biggest bargain in Buenos Aires.
Well glad you had a good trip. I hope your back feels better.
still having great adventures I see.
I travel vicariously.
Thanks, Jm
Do they have chiropractors in Paraguay?
I'm glad you had a good time
Christopher Hamilton
The Right Opinion, for the Right Wing
I'm glad your CIA mission went well. All the real spies publish the fact that they're spies. It kinda hides the trail. :o]
Wal-Mart. I'm thinking that's a code name for something too LOL!
LOl! Funny! I am dreading the bus trip on Monday too! But I agree, you gotta live a little!
Glad you had a good time shopping.
I'm glad you had a safe trip and your secret is safe with me and certain people in Jerusalem.
You made me laugh with the 'ziplock dependent'!!
firepig, I do have a great chiropractor here. She is Canadian and charges 25 dollars for a full hour!!!!
Hey Mister Hermit,
You had better get your Argentine Mausers now. President BHO is going explanify the 2nd amendment to give the army the right to have guns.
Maybe that CIA Jungle Mom lady can help you.
I'm glad you found the zip l;ocks. Isn't it amazing the things we become dependent on?
Sorry your back is giving you trouble. I have that problem too so I certainly can sympathize with you. A rice bag and tylemol are the only things that help me. If you don't have a rice bag I highly recommend them.
Shopping can be fun but not with a back ache!
Sooooo, you remembered the mascara and eyebrow powder, but forgot the ZIPLOCK BAGS???!!! my goodness!
happiness is a trip to WalMart. aahh, the simple life.
:D They have a Wal Mart in Argentina? Lucky!!
Sounds like a wonderful trip!
Walmart? I'm so jealous!
I think a good chiropractor can help alleviate some of the pain.
Take care
Oh Wow, do you have pictures of your trip? Do post, if so. Have always wanted to travel in SA.
Bet you loaded up on all the Yerba Mate you could fit in your shopping cart! After all, you can't get that easily in Asuncion!
I was in Argentina before the time of Wal-Mart. When I was in Argentina, I was surprised that the small food stores or market stalls usually had better prices than the big supermarkets.
I miss the tomatoes from Argentina. A tomato salad w olive oil and vinegar hits the spot.
I just KNEW you were a spy!!!!
Thanks for sharing your whereabouts with us and I am also glad you were able to get your shopping done.
Now, rest.....all spies need rest now and then!!
Red Neck Preacher, the alphabet agencies have to find me first. The mountains are vast, the woods are deep, and I'm a small needle in that haystack. They'll have to burn the forest and sift the ashes to find me.
Wow! Was that your first trip to Argentina? Were you anywhere near Larry and Ruth?
Ah, ziplocks. I totally understand. But I'm sure we could send you a big stash from here for less than $1 each. (I'd be happy to, by the way. Let me know if you need more.)
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