Jewel shares 25 random things about herself
1.Most of my broken bones are the fault of my older brother. Josh ;P
2.I made that first one just to mess with my brother
3.I killed a snake once in church by just slamming the heel of my foot on its head and then went back to singing (the Indians were sure the snake goddess would come and get me for it too)
4.I can kill a snake but I have a phobia of waiters and cash registers :S
5.I can take a canoe down the rapids but I can not drive a car on the streets
6.I have been in 5 weddings and still have the dresses from each wedding
7.I am dyslexic
8. I didn't have asthma till I was 15
9. I love hearing old wives tells and legends and myths and any thing else like that
10.I hate lizards......especially live ones
11. I walked when I was 9 months old
12. I climbed my first tree when I was 11 months old
13. I am short and proud of it
14. I am running out of things to say
15.I can walk on my two big toes like a ballerina or like the girl on titanic and I never took ballet classes
16.I can sound like a howler monkey......and my dad made me do it once in a church......thanks dad
17.I dont know half of the people on my facebook
18. I love scaring people
19. I like reading japanimation manga ( Japanese comic books )
20. I do not feel safe in a house unless it has a big wall around it and has barbed wire or broken glass on top of the wall and also have a Great Dane
21.I hate the color pink, the last time I wore pink was because I had to use it as a uniform in a marriage conference
22. I have an Andean Community passport and can go to several countries in South America with out getting a visa
23.I am part Cherokee even tho nobody believes it
24. 24 is the number before 25 so I am all most done woohoo!
25. I can read and speak in three languages and can not spell any of them.
Joshua shares 25 random things about himself.
1. I have recently caught myself using my socks to whip off any dust or particulate that my be found on my feet, prior to putting on shoes.
2. I have two purple scars, and have had 45 stitches in my life, and only break little bones, the ones that are super expensive to fix and of long lasting affects. Like a growth plate in my wrist, both thumb joints destroyed with a table saw, one is half numb and does not bend on its own, the other wiggles like it is made out of rubber.
3. I cut my own hair, because the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is only two weeks.
4. I have never preached a topical sermon, because in my mind anything other than Exegetical Exposition is cheap and lazy. ( sorry if you are the three points and a poem guy) ( again obviously times may call for a topical sermon but I will feel cheap and lazy if I ever have to)
5. I hate cuticles
6. Perhaps the nastiest thing I have ever touched is soggy bread dough on the paddle of a bread maker( it makes me gag if I think about it)
7. I enjoy putting parenthesis in my sentences (only when it makes sense of course)
8. I am pretty good with a spork but I also swing a mean sock full of legos
10. I never much liked the previous number
11. I like to say BOOM!! Goes the dynamite !!! when ever I accomplish something
12. I think bed sheets should never be tucked in, you know what I am talking about, like at hotels where your feet have to be sideways to lay in the bed
13. I am a Medical and Business Benefit Consultant for a non-profit, And I also have a cape and fight crime
14. I own the coolest cat in the world, Named D-O-G pronounced diogy, as if you are spelling dog
15. I would rather sleep in a hammock, but don't want to squish my wife.
16. I am learning my fourth language
17. Parchita (Passion Fruit) juice is what heaven tastes like, or maybe its Coke made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup. Close, not sure which.
18. I have eaten earth worms, the worlds largest rodent, second largest rodent, one day plan on going to Korea and eating a dog, or China and eating a cat, maybe both.
19. I slapped Mickey Mouse right in the face once. And I would do it again and put it on youtube if I got the chance.
20. Once Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam stole me and my cousins food. And when they least expect it, we have a plan to get them back its an evil and sadistic plan you will see it in the news.
21. When I eat nutra-sweet my right eye lid twitches
22. I am a germaphobe when it comes to my tooth brush, I keep it in an airtight, sealed container.
23. My cars name is Hank, and if me and Hank could be King and Vice King for the day any stupid driver would have his (most likely hers) license removed. FOREVER HAHAHAHAHAHA *cough hack hack cough* HAHAHAaaaaa
24. I have glasses cuz I was in the eye exam and got tired of the questions. This one? or this one? Over and over again so I just rested my eyes and picked at random until he finished.
25. I have the BEST wife in the whole world!!!! Hands Down. It's sad really for all those young unmarried men who read this, they will forever know that mine is the best and theirs is at best second rate. (why she picked me is beyond me)
PS. 26.I also once cauterized a wound with my college iron cuz it wold not heal its better now (one of my purple scars)
Jayde shares 25 random things about herself
1. If I see millions of untidy polka dots, my nose starts to itch really bad and my eyes swell up.
2. I like to get pictures and experiment with them in GIMP.
3. I want to be a professional photographer when I grow up. Like, for weddings and land-scape and magazines and stuff...:)
4. My worst habit is biting my nails.
5. If I'm not wearing glasses, I will walk into walls and/or glass and screen doors.
6. I love blond jokes, despite the fact that they are making fun of blonds...And I'm blond...:D
7. I am working on a painting of the taj mahal right now...It's to be pinned up in my room. :D
8. I have a beanbag chair in my room!
9. I have lived in Florida/New Hampshire/...I lost track right there.
10. I think baby toys are hilarious and I can almost die of laughter at some of the ones I've seen...I think I have more fun than the baby I'm with does...:D
11. I like to create and invent new recipes. I've made a triple decker PBJ sandwich and a triple decker grilled cheese sandwich, too..
12. I can't read music. Every song I can sing I learned by ear...And probably in less than two hours.
13. I hate math with a deep and growing passion.
14. I am an avid bookworm. I love the written word. I prefer novels and mysteries, but I'll read just about anything.
15. I'm the best at Wii Boxing in my family.
16. I am pro at Halo and Club Penguin.
17. My pet peeve is people who type like this: 'hey!!!!!!!!!! how r u? im gd. dd u have fun during Xmas? wat did u gt?' and people who don't start their sentences with a capital letter. Ugh. That bugs me.
18. I hate it when pictures come out super blurry and will do all in my POWER to sharpen the focus or train the person who took the picture that what they've done is indeed, a very bad no-no.
19. I am not a huge fan of TV. I don't like commercials, or what most TV shows portray. To be honest, I get bored. I prefer DVDs and TV series on DVD. :)
20. I just got the bedtime warning.
21. I wake up at 4 AM every morning.
22. I am gonna be nice and not tag anybody. They can do it if they want to. :)
23. I have 6 blogs.
24. I don't like make-up.
25. I'm gonna sleep really good tonight, cause I'm exhausted.
Because I'm feeling left out:
1. Talking about veins makes me want to pass out.
2. I am named after my grandpa.
3. Getting a pedicure stresses me out.
4. I wish I could live on a mountain with just my family and no one else.
5. I think cats are snobs, and I don't like them.
6. I think giving birth in a hospital is like giving birth in a Borg cubicle.
7. I'm a Trekkie. Kind of.
8. I drink fresh cow's milk every day.
9. I dream about arepas.
10. 25 is a large number.
11. I would love to go Greece one day.
12. I have no desire to visit Asia. It just doesn't interst me.
13. I'm allergic to snow.
14. Classical music gets on my nerves. The squeaky violins? Ugh.
15. I don't like to be touched.
16. I have to finish quickly because my husband needs the computer.
17. I've lived in a lot of countries. Their airports anyway.
18. I think airplane food is good.
19. I don't like eating at buffets in the US. Like Golden Corral. It makes me nervous.
20. I think the guy who dreamed up Wal-Mart is BRILLIANT!
21. I love computer, graphic design, photoshop, photography...
22. My dream vacation involves hotel room/book/bed/coffee. That's it.
23. I would like to meet Rachael Ray one day.
24. My children make me laugh a lot.
25. Sometimes they make me want to hide under the bed.