There was an article in Time magazine about the globalization of the world. The internet has made it so that our children can play games with children on the other side of the world! I communicate regularly with people on several continents. The world markets are inter dependent. Cultures have always mingled, but never as intensely and instantly as now. My point is, the globalization is happening! We can accept it, use it to our advantage or deny it...but it is happening.
“TIME” magazine recently ran a cover story on the skills and abilities American students will need in a globalized world. They said that the American student needs to develope certain skills in order to compete globally.
1.Global-trade literate
2.Sensitive to foreign cultures
3.Conversant in different languages
I couldn't help but think,"Hey, Mk's(missionary kid) and Tck's(third culture kid) have a great head start!
I have watched my children communicate cross-culturally with great ease. I am often amazed how my children can Instant Message with several people in different languages at the same time, while listening to an Italian opera! Gives me a headache, but they are often unaware that they are going back and forth between languages.
Mk's (Tck's) are able to think out side of the box. Actually they can't stand to be put in a box at all! They are able to think creatively because often growing up in different cultures, they had to, in order to survive being the minority. They are able to accept that another culture may have a better way. They are often able to see how 2 distinct perspectives can be combined to produce an even better method.
I was speaking on the phone with my 18 month old grand daughter today. Well, she was communicating with me anyway. I saw her already exhibiting her multi-cultural upbringing. She would giggle and say, "Hola!" Then she would babble on in a cadence that sounded Spanish. Suddenly, she would convert to an English sounding baby talk.
Back and forth, soft vowels of Spanish, heavy consonants of English.
For you parents raising Mk's (Tck's), don't feel discouraged about the education you may think your children are being deprived of by not living state side. You are actually preparing them for a bright, fruitful future. God needs followers who are not afraid to go beyond the narrow mental and cultural borders so many of us occupy
Jungle Mom that was an outstanding post. I know you are right. I want to learn spanish very much just so I can communicate to a young family who come to our church but she can only speak spanish, I would really love to do something besides smile to let her know I am glad to see her. Thanks for the encouragement. connie from Texas
Was that a message for me?
Lele did say hola for me before she rean away from the phone! So cute! It reminded me of her mom at that age, same voice!
What a darling picture and baby!!
I grew up in New Mexico and could have learned Spanish as a child so easily and didn't. I've always regreted that
It definately is a changed world.
I never realized how very true this is until my son-in-law entered our family. He is Mexican (born and raised in Guatalajara as a missionaries kid - dad is Mexican and mom was American). He speaks three languages. When he is here in our home he goes back and forth between English and Spanish during the same conversation (ei. on the cell phone with his dad). I am amazed! My kids only speak English. They have all taken a language in high school. When my daughter married him she was freaked out at speaking spanish even though she took four years of it in school. We are way behind here in the states. I feel like a real dumb bunny and long to know more. Your kids must be amazing!
Loved the picture...so cute :)
Loved your last paragraph! SO TRUE!!
I generally agree.
Yet, while point two and point three seem relatively clear to me, how would you define "Global-trade literate"?
So true. I can study for a sunday school class in english, then just "flip" into spanish with no problem. It's easy. Elena is the same way, I can say, "Elena, ven aqui and bring your shoes." She coems and she brings her shoes. I'm often asked, "how are you going to teach her both languages?" I hadn't thought about it. I just figured she would learn it like I did. I don't ever recall not being bilengual. It will happen and she will be better off for it.
What a great post and challenging. I wonder how I can allow my children to experience those things as we homeschool in the US.
Sire; I refer you to the article,
Momma Roar: I refer you to the same article. Try to find ways for your children to have cross-cultural experiences and relationships.
Thanks for visiting my blog(Pastoral Ponderings) and posting there. We are a very mission minded church- Having our Annual Missions conference 3/25-28. Will definitely visit you again and share a cup of coffee with you. Also visit: www.thevinefellowship.com
Fantastic article...My one year old nephew is learning 3 languages too, German, Danish and persian. I think he would learn German first since his mom is German.
Serendip: And those are not easy languages!
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