I’d rather see a sermon . . .
then hear one any day.
I’d rather you would walk with me,
than merely tell the way!
The eye’s a better pupil,
and more convincing than the ear.
Your words may be confusing,
but example’s always clear!
I’d rather learn my lessons
by observing how it’s done,
Conversation might be easy,
but your tongue too fast may run!
I may not fully understand
the fine advice you give,
But there’s no misunderstanding
how you act or how you live!
Here is my husband taking care of an asthmatic woman and giving medicine to a sick toddler.
Cooking soup for the village.
Pulling a bad tooth.
Visiting a village to provide needed medical attention and sharing the gospel. Made friends with the chief.
Delivering Bibles in the Ye'kwana language.
Teaching the Old Testament to Indian church leaders and pastors.
Making sure medical emergency patients were flown to town for treatment we could not provide in the village.
Removing stitches from a child's arm.

Hanging out and being part of their lives.
I loved this!! The phrase I always keep in mind, kind of similar, is "more is caught than taught." It's so true!!
These pictures were really neat to see. It's exciting to see how much of a difference you guys are making down there!!
I've said it before, and I will say it again, Thank God you and yours are serving the Lord. You are absolutely correct. The living sermon is the one that impacts the unsaved. In fact it usually is the first actual testimony that they receive, even with out knowing it.
It has been a true delight to get to know you and peek into your missionary journey as it happens.
Thank you so much!
Very good pictures. Is your Husband a Doctor?
To answer Theresa's answer...my dad is a "self taught" doctor. The best kind there is, in my opinion. :)
Jungle Mom... yet another great post... and again, I will be borrowing it for my blog. Thank you for inspiring all of us to live like this, no matter where our back yard is! Jane
After our first term we saw the need for more training and did attend a course called Medical Missionary Intensive. Basically, it's the equivalent to an EMT. He also was trained by a dentist and could pull and fill teeth. We took a midwifery course as well. I skipped the dental thing because pulling teeth makes me queasy! But mostly it was a lot of reading an OJT!
Jesus in the flesh. If they see your love for them, they will see Jesus in you.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your comments. I've never been to S.America, though, I'd love to, one day. It is the only part of the world (more to see of Africa too) that I've never had the opportunity to visit as yet. I find it fascinating, and I learned Spanish, long ago, in Spain - have to keep up! Love your photos too. Hope to see you again in the blogsphere.
holy moley what a life you guys lead...bless you
Fabulous and Inspiring!!
That is a favorite poem of mine. Thanks for sharing all the pictures and giving us yet more views of you and your work there.
I loved this post! I'm glad you answered the question about medical training. I had been wondering if your dh had been in the medical field in the Marines or if he'd taken a medical course as part of missionary training.
I love the poem and plan to send it to many in my contacts list.
What you, your husband and family are doing is so commendable. It must be very difficult at times, but there you are sticking it out and making a huge difference.
Have you ever wondered how many will be brought to the Lord because of your unselfish gift?
We pray for our army troops off fighting battles for our freedom.
Our Missionaries are another kind of troop we should be praying for. They fight for the gift of eternal life.
Thank you so much.
God bless both you and your husband for all you do.
You were different and made a difference!!
The love the people have for you is evident in their smiles!!
Awesome pictures! Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your life and thank you for all you and your family do to reach people for Christ.
another awesome post! I loved reading how the father put his son's hand in yours and said he was also part your son for he now has your blood. Very moving!
I couldn't begin to imagine the things you see and do there. God bless you guys! Great pictures.
Loved the poem and what a great tribute to your husband!
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