Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Amazing Life

At times I contemplate the many things I have been able to do in my life, the places I have traveled to, the people I have met, and I am amazed! I never imagined I would go the places I have or done the thing I have. My life is amazing!

I have been privileged to meet many people including Presidents, Governors, Athletes, Authors, and great men and women of God. I have also met people who will never be famous or well known, but are truly incredible people. People who impacted me and my life.Did I mention the astronaut? My life is amazing!

I have traveled to many countries and have seen much of my own country. I have seen places no other non-Indian has ever seen. I have been exposed to life at its finest and at its most primitive. It is easier to appreciate the first for having experienced the latter. I am glad I know how to appreciate a good meal, a luxurious room, a resort like environment. I also am thankful that I can be grateful for a dirt floor and a palm roof over my head. My life is amazing!

Just last week, my husband and I shared a car with two Iraqis from Baghdad. They were raised as Muslims and are now Christians. He has a christian Arabic language radio and TV ministry in the middle east, broad casted from Lebanon. He has started a church in the Dearborn region among Muslims here in America and they are sending Arab, ex-Muslims back to their own countries as missionaries. He and his wife were able to tell us first hand of the independent baptist church which was started in Baghdad. My life is amazing!

We spent the week in a lovely home of a wonderful christian, Egyptian family who immigrated here 25 years ago. They told us of the difficulties and dangers of living in Egypt as Christians. They have two lovely daughters who now are on staff at a large baptist church. We shared much and were truly brothers in Christ. My life is amazing!

We also met and enjoyed a meal with a young lady from Laos. Her father is a Buddhist priest! She was born in a Buddhist temple!!!! She and her husband are now missionaries in that communist country. We shared tips on home schooling! My life is amazing!

I also renewed friendships with people I have not seen for over twenty years as they have been serving in Albania. We enjoyed sharing jungle stories with a missionary who lived in the jungle of Zaire, Africa. They have many of the same insects and foods there that we had in the jungles of Venezuela. My life is amazing!

I know many people think that a life of full time Christian service is a boring life... NOT MINE!!!! My life is amazing!


Unknown said...

And you are amazing!

I'm anticipating hearing about these dear people in more detail when you return to my little area of the world.

Pen of Jen said...

Yep I think that being a Christian is Amazing!!!

Harry said...

Amazing is right. Most people would have loved to do the things you've done, but without all of those inconvenient hardships.

I was happy to read about the couple from Dearborn, which is only a few miles down the road from me. I hope they stay safe. I hope their church thrives and becomes home to more former Muslims

Susan said...

Reading about the former Muslims having a church in MI just thrilled me! We haven't experienced the wide range of things you have, but we also enjoy quite an exciting life. Whoever thinks that being a Christian is boring has never known anyone living a life of faith! ;)

Rita, Sam told me the special things you and Clint did for him. As a mother, my heart was touched and so grateful to you for being such a blessing to our boy. He especially enjoyed Clint's devos with the guys. His exact words to me were, "Jungle Mom's husband is a GOOD preacher!" That's from a boy who grew up on Southern preaching! ;) Thank you for your generous, giving spirit!

Rita Loca said...

susan, we enjoyed being able to meet him. I agree, my hubby is a great preacher, in 3 languages. But, I may be prejudiced just a tad!

Webutante said...

Your life IS amazing, Rita, and you are most blessed by God.

Papa Frank said...

This is what the modern christian church has missed for so long. Churches have preached christianity as the solution to eternity while forgetting that eternity includes today. God offers us a wonderful life eternal but even more than that he offers us the best life right now. Salvation is at hand! Seize the opportunity for the best possible life right now not just a heavenly home after death. It sounds like you've grabbed true christianity by the horns!!!

WomanHonorThyself said...

amazing how u appreciate it all girl!

Michael said...

He has started a church in the Dearborn region among Muslims here in America

Interesting. I went to school in Dearborn (UM has a campus there), and I don't have such pleasant memories of the muslim community in that town...

Baptist Girl said...

God has blessed you because you are such a blessing to Him.


Anonymous said...

You are truly blessed! I read your blog often and you have an amazing and exciting life!

Ashley said...

See...thing is, christians have more fun! And without the aftermath of feelings of guilt! Our life is amazing!

Though, yours is on a much higher caliber than mine! LOL

Anonymous said...

God is sooo wonderful to give one soo dedicated to serve Him privileges such as the joys you have mentioned!!

You and your family are surely deserving, even though I know you would do it just because you feel the call to serve our Lord on the field!!

You are one amazing person/Chrsitian. I love tlaking with you and reading your stories!!YOu have added a dimension to my life by your firsthand knowlege.

God bless you Rita!! Love and prayers are with you!!

Anonymous said...

...and thank you for sharing your wonderful life with us.

Gayle said...

Your life is anything but boring, Rita! LOL! Anyone who believes it is boring must wrestle alligators for a living! :)

TO BECOME said...

You have handled all the different things that you have experienced in your life in an amazing way. I can see you being at home in any situation. I think of Paul when he said in Philippians 4:12 "I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all thing I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I am quiet sure that you do it as well as Paul, himself. I mean that when I say it, I am not kidding. May God continue to bless you. connie from Texas

David said...

Hi Mrs. Rita! This is Liesl Hathaway (David's and Karen's girl). My dad and brother John and I have travelled up from Paraguay and are in Tampa right now where my Dad is attending a conference for his work. Yesterday we attended the Spanish service at West Gate where Josh was preaching. We also went to the evening service in English. We agreed that the Spanish one was cozier - I think we are used to having a small church group!

We would really like to see your family while we are here in the US. I am anxious to meet Jewel (thanks to Jackie's description of her)! We are going to be in Florida (Tampa and Key West) for the next few weeks, and when Dad's conferences are over, we want to drive to Crown College in Tennesee to visit my brother James for Thanksgiving.

Do you know when you'll be back in Florida? It probably won't work out but it would be great if we could meet before you head to Paraguay (I am so sad that we won't be there then, but hopefully you can meet my mother and the rest of the children who are in Asuncion now. I think Jayde is about the same age as my sister Sarah and they should get along well.)

By the way I love your blog, especially all the nice photos!

Liesl (and Dad and John)

Glenn B said...

Life is what you make it. Sounds like you have made it to be to your liking, and to the liking of something more than yourself as in your god and your fellow man. That is a good thing because the way you like it has been by doing good as opposed to doing evil selfish things or whatever else many people do today just to please themselves.

All the best,
Glenn B

redneck preacher said...

The best is yet to come


MathewK said...

JM, echo what everybody else said above, i can't add to that.

groovyoldlady said...

Thanks for sharing your amazing life with us!

Joe Gringo said...

Shout it out sister!

I've got to meet you one day.....when in Arizona, give me a heads up!

CaraqueƱa said...

Whoever has ever thought that missionary life is boring...has never LIVED it! It's amazing to serve God~it truly never know what is around the corner!

Mountain Mama said...

I think your life is an amazing testimony. I'm so glad you have been willing to go and do what the Lord had planned for you. It will be interesting to see what He has planned next.

Sis. Julie said...

I pray for you often and I agree with Sis. are amazing!!

CaraqueƱa said...

I've posted! Come over to see EJ's latest poem and other sundry stuff...

Tori Leslie said...

God is so amazing and it's amazing that He allows us to take part in His amazing plan. Wow, Amazing!! :0)

Dawn said...

Every missionary I know feels the same way!

My son (the delivered addict) is taking Arabic, because he wants to work in an Arabic-speaking country when he finishes college. Don't know what he'll do, and it's kinda scary, but the Lord will lead!

Rita Loca said...

this is Yekwanaman letting you know for JM, (We have no internet at the house where we are and the cold discourages her from leaving the warmth of the house.) But the girls will be back in Tampa on the 13th of Nov. flying in in the afternoon. I hope it works out for you to meet. I will arrive around 17

Bob's Blog said...

Yes, it is!

Pilot-Pooja said...

Great to know your experiences...
Really wonderful!
Any plans to visit India again!