Friday, April 24, 2009

The Things I See

A couple of important facts you should know in case you ever come to visit me down here in Paraguay.

(photo by Jackie)

First! You are NOT allowed to ride your bicycle upside down!

(Photo by the Schell Family)

Second! If you need to 'GO' ,make sure and use the appropriate spot which is clearly marked for your convenience!


Tana said...

Shoot. Riding my bike upside down was the only thing I wanted to do in Paraguay.

Unknown said...

LOL! At least they designate a spot for urinating against the wall. Eliminates confusion! :op

Dawn said...

Thanks for the warning - and for the good news about "going!" Too funny.

tascha said...

oh my :) that is funny......

The Local Malcontent said...

I donn need no stinkin' signs-

Updates please, on Lugo!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very practical people.

Betty said...

haha, yeah, I don´t think so. :)
Will look for a decent spot....

Anonymous said...

I think I'm having a flashback...

Z said...

very funny!

And thanks for coming by with the info about your mother...good to hear she's doing well and is in such good hands!

Did you do a blog on what you finally decided to name your book and I missed it? just curious what you've come up with, ifyou have?

Z said...

By the way:
Tammy...I lived in paris, and there are men who have no problem with urinating against building walls there, either, believe it or not. It's not infrequent and it always blew my MIND!

MathewK said...

Thanks JM, will keep those in mind. :)

firepig said...

hilarious !