My son and his wife are celebrating their first anniversary today.
Check out the wedding photos HERE!
Well, Naomy, too late now! You are officially part of the crazy Vernoy family!Any words of advice or encouragement you would like to share
with the happy couple?
Congrats to the happy couple.
Happy Anniversary to your children! I bet it´s hard not to give them a hug today!
Wonderful news to celebrate a first anniversary! :) Congratulations and Many More! My advice: Realize it's OK to agree to disagree, never go to bed angry (the old cliche that is a "goodie"), pray together every day, always be honest, and don't too busy and forget to HAVE FUN!
Abrazos en esta fecha tan hermosa para ti Rita!!! Y una vida de felicidad para la hermosa parejita!!!
Congratulations. Advice? Listen to your mother!
A big conratulations to the lovely couple! May you always know how to have fun with each other!
And Yes, the Vernoy family is CRAZY!! but we love 'em all!
I've always had a hypothesis that men just love, love, love, till they're given a reason not to.
Naomi.....DON'T! Give him reasons to love you more each day! The rewards are ceaseless!
Happy ANNIVERSARY!! I just love the pictures xxx
Aww, congrats to them! She is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!
hang on tight!
it's gonna be a BUMPY ride!!
Congrats. The first 50 years are the hardest.
En hora Buena! y Felicidades.
Filipenses 2:1-5 es perfecto para cual quier relaciĆ³n. Especialmente el matrimonio.
Congratulations! Philippians 2:1-5 is perfect for any relationship and especially for a marriage!
God Bless!
I am so happy for the happy, happy couple. The thing that came to my mind was, "these two have become one. And may it ever be that way. If you hurt one another you are really hurting yourself. Never allow the word d-i-v-o-r-c-e to enter your mouth or thoughts. That way you HAVE to work our problems that arise as they do when two become one. But do it God's way and all will end better even that they are now. connie from Texas
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