Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ok, after much delay, I took the plunge and opened a Facebook account.

I was reluctant to do this because, I spend too much time on line already! I did not even mean to start this blog. It was started by accident while attempting to leave a comment on my daughter's blog. The next thing I know, I had created a blog.

Then, out of no where, people came to read my posts. This made me feel obligated to write something for them to read. Slowly, my readership grew to around 200 a day and I now feel that I must try and write something every day.

It is like having a baby to feed and care for. It takes up time but is also very rewarding. Having to be in comment moderation requires me to check the comments several times a day, which is a bit like changing my bloggy baby's diaper!

Blogging has given me an outlet for writing my jungle stories, sharing my political thoughts, and just having a good time with people from all over the world. But it is much more than I had ever I was avoiding the whole Facebook thing, not wanting to get sucked into another internet vortex!

Today my daughter made me do it! I am now on Facebook and some of my non blogging friends are happy to find me there. I am not sure what to do with it yet...

So what about you, are you on Facebook?


ABNPOPPA said...


Oh you are a brave one. I don't think I am ready for Face Book. Don't quit blogging here you are good for the soul and for life in general.


Siberia Tom said...

Yes Diana is, but she started it in my name to protect her reputation.

Webutante said...

Don't think I could face another pull onto the web, but please keep us posted how you like it, Rita.

grammy said...

Amen to that...the kids made sure I was on facebook...why..I am not sure what to do with it. I get stockings hung and writing on the wall and stuff I don't really get and want to do. How about every other day..."such and such wants to be your friend" The kids are all very in to it (o:

Deedra said...

I am! I don't really know much about it though. People are always sending me "stuff". I'm probably the most rude user in facebook history because I haven't taken the time to figure out what to do with all the "stuff"!

MightyMom said...

absolutely not!

I have enough diapers to change thank you!


CrimeSceneFairy said...

Hurray!!! :D I shall now go and add you!

Sis. Julie said...

LOL!! You sound just like me. I have a facebook too. My daughter also talked me into getting one. Before I knew it...I found that a ton of people from our church have one and other people that I have known for many years but haven't seen or talked to in forever have one too. Now I have I don't even know how many friends on there. I'll have to look for you and add you to my friends list. It is quite fun to keep in touch with people though. I am sure you will like it.

firepig said...

I don't like face book.There are still guys from High School stalking me....sadly enough.. and I have them thinking I am still in Venezuela.The whole idea of facebook to me is creepy and time consuming.At least on blogs I have a screen name,so only people I trust like you know my real name... and then I get to discus topics that are interesting to me.I love your Jungle posts and Daniels way of writing politics, and Feathers Guaramo.Kepler isn't bad when he is in a good mood either.Emails are nice as well but I already write hundreds each month.
But don't let me spoil your fun.

Sis. Julie said...

Well...I tried finding you and found nothing. So you'll have to try to find me. That is if you want to. It will be under Julie Brown and I'm in the Atlanta, GA network. My profile picture is of me and my mom and dad....that way you'll know me when you see me since my profile picture is different than the one on my blog.

Hope you find me!

Liz said...

Rita, I told you before... you just have to use FB to look into your friends photographs. Possibly comment on them, and that's it!

You don't have to send gifts or play silly games (other people will do it for you: ME!)

FB is just another tool to stay in touch with loved ones, friends overseas, etc. Sending mini-messages, once in a while, they are all in the same place!! The picture albums are the best... you don't have to send or receive 'heavy' mails to look them. Furthermore, people are not obliged to look into them, you just share the pics!

OTOH, is a bit more personal than a blog. I don't accept everybody in my FB! hehehe

Rita Loca said...

Dear Anonymous commenter,
The subject of which you showed concern is NOT what you called it. I would love to talk to you in person as I fear you may have some underlying issues that should be discussed.
Four times in the NT, we as Christians are commended to greet one another with a holy kiss, was Paul suggesting we practice porn in the church??? Would God inspire such a thing?
Romans16:16 Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.
A kiss on the cheek by a husband is wrong????? I do not suppose you live in South America.
In regards to the other comment, my ministry is first and foremost to my husband and children. You do not know how much time I spend in different ways.
You also do not seem to know I am a semi- invalid after two back surgeries and am limited in my physical activities.
I do not write much in the way of the "updates" as that is something my husband prefers to do on his own and to our churches. He communicates to our supporters and many read this blog and have thanked us for the daily window into our life and ministry.
I am spending more time on the computer these days as I am writing a book. Hopefully, this venture will help financially in our old age.
I personally am very glad that missionaries and Christian of the past saw the benefit of writing and recording events so that we can read them today.
Before the internet we, as missionaries, spent hours if not days, each month in written correspondence to people back stateside often re -writing the same information over and over. Now I can post or email in a fraction of the time.
I normally do not post anonymous comments as I feel we should all be held responsible for what we say and write.
If you would like to speak directly to me, please leave your email and I will not post it.
My husband approves of this message.

Betty said...

Oh yeah!! I am on facebook and will be looking for you. Hopefully you´ll add me as your friend!
About your comment on my blog. We are planing on coming to Asu. next weekend on the 29/39th. Do we meet then?

Rita Loca said...

Checking out my new prophile photo.

Terri said...

Facebook is the place where all of my worlds collide: old high school friends, church friends, internet friends, bloggy friends, family.

BTW, I found you and added you as a friend. Waiting for approval. (I spend so much of my life waiting for approval! LOL!)

cube said...

I've stayed away from Facebook because of time constraints and the lack of anonymity. I think I'd rather have my opinions out there for the world rather than details of my life. That's just me. I know some people who love facebook more than blogging.

Unknown said...

Welcome to the sheeple

Charles said...

Yes I am on Facebook. I find it a tad slow at times but since all the "hip" people use it. I have to. Got stay in the loop and in touch you know.

Come visit me there some time.

It's under my name Anderson SC

if you don't find me give a shout

Anonymous said...

I'm off to go find you on Facebook and add you as a friend!

I am glad to hear you are writing a book. I think we need modern missionary stories as much as we need the inspiring classics. People have the same needs and God is still the same God as always.

BTW, I just remembered I was supposed to leave my e-mail address in order to get you address to send you the book I mentioned about Kay Washer. I have two I use -- some people have trouble with the AOL one. Just please delete them before publsihing this comment. :-) and

Anonymous said...

OK -- I just searched for "Rita Vernoy" on Facebook and couldn't find you. Are you there by that name or Jungle Mom or something else?

Anonymous said...

I am on Facebook but rarely check it. Mostly I go to see pics of my kids that they post. They know I am there so I am not stalking.

I think its great you can post every day. I do to. I think we need to the methods of communication open to us.

We should get together sometime. I need to go by and see your book collection!

Rebecca said...

Not on facebook. Don't want to be. Don't really understand it.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Yes, I've joined Facebook--my niece told me it was the thing to do! I don't do a lot with it, but it's fun to see pictures of old friends and their families. You don't have to search for them; they somehow find you!

Unknown said...

I know! I was happily surprised last night to receive an invitation from you to "Be Your Friend" on Facebook. Welcome! It is quite interactive but can take up lots of time, so beware! I was hesitant at first too.

WomanHonorThyself said...

yikes..step away from the computer!

Jane said...

Yep, I'm on Facebook too!

Charles said...

It's Cole

MathewK said...

Avoiding it for now JM. But i'm told there is a growing movement of conservatives on there.. So i may yet join the herds see what comes of it.

~Karen_ said...

I'm on facebook mostly so that if my kids had problems I could help them or at least be aware that there may be a problem. If I wasn't on facebook I would have a clue. We haven't had any problems so far. I think the problems come if you join a network, because then anyone can find you.

The Local Malcontent said...

No, I'm afraid I do not see what the fascination of Facebook is.

Caution/Lisa said...

I got pulled into Facebook as a way to stay in touch with my sister's college-age kids. But then ... I began to find so many other people I used to know. I'm like you in wondering about the time I spend with FB and blogging now.

Starla said...

Yep I Facebook!! I like it better then Myspace!!!

Caraqueña said...

Facebook is so much easier to me than blogging! I can never think of what to write on my blog...fb is so not hard!...and I love finding friends and friends and friends....

nanc said...

yes, i am on facebook but haven't figured out how to find myself and our teens will not enlighten me so my account is out wandering about the net - i get occasional messages from our children, but cannot for the life of me get excited.

Rita Loca said...

Dear Anonymous, I have already told you that you must use your name or I will not post your comments, although I know why you are not doing that! Still it is cowardly to throw out insults and not be responsible for your words by hiding behind anonymous.
You do realize I can see your visits on my site meter and I know you google my name, not 'facebook'??? I see how many pages you look at and how often you come by.Lying is not very Christian like behavior is it?
I can also see where you out clicked to my youngest daughter's blog and I must warn you to not even think of hounding her.:)

groovyoldlady said...

oh yeah...but I skip most of the games and fluff and time-wasting tripe that one can find there. So I won't poke you or throw food at you or make you listen to my new favorite song. So come befriend me. I'm... (Groovy looks back and forth to make sure no evil spammers are listening in)...Sherry Grunder.

There's more to my Facebook name, but trust me, you'll know it's me.