Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Things I See...

Street Peddlers

Here he comes...

Would you like a blanket?
A pillow?
How about a pot?
No? Then perhaps a thermos?

Or just a friendly, Paraguayan smile!


Anonymous said...

He'd do Mr. Haney proud!

Jody Hedlund said...

Oh, wow. And I'm sure the people who buy from him really appreciate his stuff, don't they?

Danyelle L. said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. :)

Amy DeTrempe said...

Wow. That is very interesting.

firepig said...

Your blog is so uplifting, just like the smile on this young man's face.

Thanks Rita

Book Club said...

GOD bless Latin America, this is something I also miss here. I read your blog daily and I love it, take care.

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Hi, Jungle Mom! I am so excited to meet you because I am a missionary as well! I've never been to Paraguay, but I have spent some time in the Amazon Jungle (Peru), so I know a bit of the world you're in! Anywho, I can't wait to read your stories! We have a lot in common!

Kathy said...

That happy Paraguayan face says it all! They really are nice people--especially my hubby! :)

Rita Loca said...

FJ, thanks for the memory!

betty, they are friendly too.

Jody, yes, we do. I always buy my sewing needles this way.

Brenda, Everyone does!

Danyelle, it can be entertaining.

Amy, It is fun to share.

firepig, I find you to be uplifting!

Brooke, Always nice to see a smiling face.

Urraca, I am so glad to know your read regularly. I love your comments.

Kristin, I would love to get in touch!

Kathy, your hubby is indeed a friendly fellow!