Also known as lurking around their Face book pages, hehehe....
I find it is easier to keep up with my grown children by checking out their posts on Face Book. Very interesting stuff that never seems to come up in emails or phone calls. So I have become a spy! I spy on their Face Book and in this way, I am in on all the nitty gritty. You have to keep from commenting too much, because, well, that's just not cool!
So today I thought I would share with you some of the interesting things I am finding on Jewel's Face Book. In case you do not know, Jewel is a freshman at a small Baptist college in Florida.

It seems she has become a Super Hero and learned how to fly!
Is this from the Biology class I am paying for?
Ok....Arts and Crafts? Hey, at least its not a tattoo!

I'm going with Folk Dances...

And , meet 'Screech' the school mascot!

Interesting .... Hopefully, this is not a fashion design class...
BUT,this series of photos left me most concerned!
Ok! I promise! No more spying!
HAHAHA!!!! Hopefully she's okay!
College is still fun, I guess.
A skit, maybe? Hopefully?
It looks like she's enjoying her freshman year to the max!
C'mon, admit it - we all do it! (Those of us with adult kids who live away and have been crazy enough to add us as facebook friends!!!)
Those are some interesting photos though...
I wrote a post about this topic that had a great and funny link to a parents-spying-on-facebook youtube video... worth a watch!
Thanks for the comment over on my Rambings! :)
which college does she go to? My sister goes to Pensacola (and is loving it)
She looks like she is having fun. You do realize it is almost unconstitutional to put normal everyday photos on Facebook....
Christian college is soooo different. I am glad my kids were not like me at that age. Whew! If MKs have to break into American culture a good college is the right place.
I see she is majoring in Theater Arts. Disney will pay a starting salary of $60,000 a year for costumers. Not bad, and you have to know how to sew.
hey, at least she "friended" you!....I didn't friend my mother...it was just tooo weird.
Jungle mom, I'll definetely come to your blog if my day in office has been terribly boring.
Lots of good entertainment in here!
Don't fret JM, you raised her well.
Heck if I knew where to find my son and daughter on facebook I'd look.
A lot of the parents of kids about my age have gotten onto social networking sites just to keep up with us as we move away and such. I know Wifey and I post all of our travel pics on there and joining is basically our parents only easy way to see that stuff. Seems like of all the possible college fun she is having it is leaning toward the wholesome kind.
Betty, When my MIL got onto FB I had to look through my stuff and do some editing.
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