Monday, April 19, 2010

Rental Options

 So... looking for decent rental homes in Ciudad del Este has been challenging. If we could afford more it would not be too difficult.  For instance, if money were no issue, we could afford to rent this lovely home!

Lovely, modern kitchen!

Beautiful bath with spa tub and shower!

Walk in closet.

Pool house!

Pool house kitchen with electric, carbon, wood and even traditional Paraguayan clay oven!

View of the yard and pool from the roof terrace.

No, we did not rent this home. We did have to go see it even though we explained to the Realtor that it was out of our price range. She was sure that  we were truly rich Americans and that  we would rent it, and that our budget was 'flexible'. I don't think she has worked with missionaries much!

 This week, I'll show some of the houses we saw that were in our price range , but here is a sneak peak!

This kitchen has a 30 year old cement sink that has stains and chips to prove every year! The owners were not big on 'staging', as you can clearly see! This house was still out of our price range!

Are you brave enough to come along and spend the week "House Hunting on a Mission Budget" with me?


Andrew said...

Time was when a missionary in Latin American could afford the first option without breaking a sweat. And though such a house is still the norm for "Joe Churchmember" in the US, it is now unthinkable for most missionaries.

Truth be told, I am not sure we were better off when we could afford places like that.

Book Club said...

Rita, just to have an idea, how much is the first house??

R Lennon said...

yes, you got our much were they asking for the Rich and famous house?

Rita Loca said...

Urraca, believe it or not, due to location, both of these houses were priced the same. 4 million Guaranis. The nice house was out in a newer less secure area. The older house for the same price was in nicer area that is known for being a safer area, so they can charge more. Location, location, location!

Andean Adventure said...

I am liking just the outside of the pool house but then I saw the closets oh to die for although I don't think I could fill them. Maybe just our suitcases would fill one part come to think of it. I know this has to be tiring for you both. Blessing to you

shirley said...

I am liking just the outside of the pool house but then I saw the closets oh to die for although I don't think I could fill them. Maybe just our suitcases would fill one part come to think of it. I know this has to be tiring for you both. Blessing to you

Findalis said...

It is better than a mud hut.

Jackie said...

I have to respectfully disagree with Findalis. The mud hut was way better! :)

Rita Loca said...

Well we didn't pay hundreds a month in rent for the mud hut.

redneck preacher said...

It always is entertaining when someone has the same attitude as your Realtor. I was knocking on doors in my town and after I introduced myself the man said, "I know why you're in the ministry. Good money right?" The next thing he said was, "Why are you laughing?"

Some people.


Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

according to one online currency conversion app, 4 million guarani = 848.38 us dollars. does that sound about right?

Book Club said...

Location, location.... that is capital in CdE...take care and I relly hope you find something not too expensive, safe and clean. I wish I has there to give you a hand.

Rita Loca said...

Hatless, yes that is about right. When we arrived here the exchange was closer to 4000Gs to the dollar. Last year it spiked at over 5000Gs.

Rita Loca said...

Urraca, do you know CdE well? It would be fun to look at houses together.

Brooke said...

Ah, well. Home is where the heart is!

Gringo said...

Apparently things are a lot cheaper in Asuncion. I knew some gringos in Asuncion who bought a big old house with a pool on Choferes del Chaco for $30,000 in 1972 and were trying to sell it for $300,000 fifteen years later. Today a million? $100,000? Pesos viejos?

Rita Loca said...

Gringo, yes, we are renting a very nice place here in Asuncion. Fully furnished , AC in every room. Rent includes electricity, cable and internet (Which is expensive here) for less than these two houses. And we have a yard with a small pool. I have been very spoiled!