Monday, April 12, 2010

Torn between two lovers...

Feeling like a fool!

It's true. I am having a hard time choosing between two laptops!

You see, my old faithful laptop is over 5 years old. Its battery no longer works, which is inconvenient when one travels or even moves about the house, but even more problematic is that the screen is unhinged. (like me!) Not to mention it is terribly slow! TERRIBLY slow! (like me!)

But it has moved from Venezuela to the USA to Paraguay with me. We have been through a lot together and I feel disloyal even looking at another computer.

Except for this new little beauty!

Its light! Its very portable even on days when my arthritic hands and wrists can't manage much. And its very FAST! Amazingly fast! So I find myself drawn to it.

But then I feel guilty for ignoring my old faithful laptop.

Torn between two lovers.

Feeling like a fool.

Loving both of you is breaking all the rules!


redneck preacher said...

Interesting post. Sarah has a problem this solution could solve. I hope she sees this post. Good luck on your choice.


Jane said...

Just do like many do....just have TWO lovers....many seem to have no problem with that!!!!!

Carrie said...

HA! I love this!

Hopefully I will be in your shoes soon, as my laptop is in about the same shape as your faithful one. But, this thing has travelled many miles and kept me in touch with my family, so I'm kind of attached to the old thing.

marion said...

Erm ... Is this connected to yesterdays blog entry ? =)

Linda said...

The only thing wrong with the new lover, you have to get him programmed the way you want!

Gringo said...

New computers are cheaper and better. Do it. Just make sure you have all necessary data backed up for transfer to the new one.

OTOH, I am keeping my old computer. One nice thing about desktops compared to laptops is that upgrades are easier, as there is more space to work in. While I am keeping my old computer, it is much improved over what I originally purchased.

Have you considered getting a kindle?

Kathy said...

We just bought another laptop (so we can each have our own!!!) and we got the same exact one as this one--except it's the new and upgraded model! :) I hope you adjust to your new one easily! Remember that song: Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold! :)

MightyMom said...

you're a nut.

~~Deby said...

got that crazy tune going through my are sooo funny...
let your husband pick...