We folks here in Paraguay have been living with a lot of drama the last few weeks. I mean, BIG TIME, there- is -nothing- else- to- talk -about, DRAMA!
Our politics here are more like a Soap Opera these days. One just never knows what dark secret may emerge on any given day! It's intense, the people are passionate, it's all on the news! I even get interesting text messages about it!
What is it?
Well...listen my child and you shall hear!
Last August, in a historical election, Paraguay elected the populist candidate Fernando Lugo, affectionately called Lugo, to the office of Presidency. People have placed a lot of hope for change on this man. He is an ex-priest, actually, an ex-Bishop, of the Catholic church here.
Last week a young, very young, woman came forward claiming Lugo as the father of her baby. Originally, many denied it, but as the DNA test proves her to be correct, the President graciously acknowledged the child as his own. About two years after the fact, but at least he did the right thing.
Of course, this means the affair happened while Lugo was still a priest. Scandal!!!! I thought the scandal was in response to his fornication but it turns out, more people are upset that he did not use some form of birth control and THIS is sending a wrong message to the youth of the country. It is puzzling...he sinned against the Church by not remaining celibate, but would not sin by using protection?
Once the President acknowledged the child as his own, things seemed to be calming down, when...ANOTHER woman came forth making the same claim! Once again, it seems her child is truly the off spring of the President.
The opposition law makers are, of course, making a lot out of this. One stood up in the Senate asking the President to please go ahead and acknowledge all of his illegitimate children and allow the legislative body to return to law making, rather than deal with all of this.
And things calmed down...until TODAY!
Now a third woman is making the same claim!
Could it be?
And now I hear, not three, but six women are making the same claims!
Who knows???? but it will keep us all talking for a few more days!
oh goodnight! when will we learn that the catholic church hasn't got any morals anymore. it's a known fact here in our area that many of the priests have women in neighboring countries and some are living whole other lives with kids. CRAZY! does the commandment, THOU SHALT NO LIE mean anything any more.
Oh well...
I'd still trade leaders with Paraguay.
Six more women. That is one fertile ex-priest president you have there!
Oh my goodness! What a mess. It is so typical of this world we live in that they're more concerned about the lack of protection than the true sin that was committed. How sad.
Even so, Lord Jesus, COME!
Good grief, Rita. Sort of sounds like American politics, especially when Clinton was President. LOL!
yeah, it´s pretty embarrassing! For sure!
How does one become a priest in Paraguay? It seems to have much to recommend it!
Not to divert too much, but how's your mother doing, JM!?
Ramon told me that people were saying in the comments of an Argentine online newspaper that Lugo won because all of his children voted for him! :)
I'm just waiting for someone to say they had his alien baby or something. This is better than Globe magazine.
Unreal, Rita, never a dull moment!
Maybe if we are very lucky women will come forward and say the same thing about Obama. Now the fur would really fly around the White House then!
thanks Rev Gregori!
Tori really should stop casting stones! Unless, of course, she herself is sinless.....
And I'm with the law maker that told the Pres to just acknowledge all his kids now and get it over with!!
WHY is he wearing the Missouri state flag on his cap?? I mean, we're the "Show Me" state, but we don't usually mean it like that...
Holy Moly. Sin is everywhere. Who'da thunk it?
Oh wait, That's why we need a Savior!
I think we can all agree that every denomination has sinners of this type. Of every type, for we are each made up of sinful people. Whenever a supposed 'religious' leader, of any church sins in this manner, it is a bad reflection upon all Christians.
My what a prolific priest/president.
That is a drama!
Nothing could surprise me about Paraguay. For such a small country, it has much more than its share of idiosyncrasies. Main Street it ain't.
What else could you expect of a country whose history as written, reads like a work of surrealist fiction? This is the country that in the War of the Triple Alliance, declared war against Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay combined. Paraguay fought nearly to the last man: estimates of its population loss in the war range from 60-90%. Which didn't stop it from fighting in the Chaco War in the 1930s. That is DEFINITELY surreal.
What is next? Will we find out that Lugo is the great-great-grandson of Eliza Lynch? Or that he is the illegitimate son of Big Al?
Here is a link on Big Al, for those who are not informed.
Yep, Heard this on the news. Crazy stuff huh?
I've been dying to get a chance to read your blog and see waht you had to say after our Mr. O palled around with HUGO! I'm reading each of your posts for the past week to play catch up.
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