Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Things I see...

Brazilian Style Steak House

A Churrasqueria (Portuguese) or a Churrascaria (Spanish) is a Brazilian style steak house. Churrasco refers to the method of cooking the meat and would be translated into English as barbecue, but that is just a rough translation! The good thing is that these restaurants are much more affordable here then they are in the US, although still a bit pricey. ($8 US) We like to go for special occasions.

The BBQ where the meat is cooked

This cooking style originated in the Pampa region of southern Brazil and has been used for hundreds of years by the South American cowboys (gauchos). It is a rotisserie style that came from the fireside roasts made while moving the cattle and is distinctly South American.

(Jewel is being served by a passador)

Today my husband and I had lunch at a churascaria . The passadores (meat waiters) come to your table with a skewer of meat and a large knife. The skewer could have beef, chicken, pork or even sausage. It may have a combination of all these meats.The passadores will continue to return and serve you until you ask them to remove your plate. Some restaurants give you a small sign which is green on one side, for service, and red on the other, meaning you wish to be left alone.

My favorite dish is the whole pineapple which is rolled in cinnamon and lightly roasted. I try not to eat the entire pineapple myself...sometimes successfully!


Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

I've been to two churrascarias in Texas. Both delicious, both waaaaaay more than $8...

Webutante said...

Glad I stopped by cause I love these posts about your life and lifestyle there! Pineapple, huh?

Pam--in America said...

That all sounds really delicious, especially the pineapple! YUM!

Kathy said...

Love those places too--even though I'm a vegetarian! The salads are great! I also like to see the waiters' faces when they realize I really am not going to eat any meat! :)

Findalis said...

I love those places, but they are so pricey ($50 a person). So it is only on special occasions that we go.

LadyFi said...

I'm veggie so had to scroll down quickly and read about that delicious coconut-rolled pineapple.

Nina in Portugal said...

I think my husband missed his call. I really dislike Portuguese food...but thing Brazilian food is incredible!!

We too have these here and they're by far my favorite places to eat.

A meal, all-inclusive is about 15$ per adult.

(But in the States we paid as much as 30$ per adult---and that was for lunch!!)

Rita Loca said...

Betty, Yes, it is a favorite of ours. I wanted to post pictures of the salad bars but blogger was not cooperating!

Brenda, I have not been to O Guacho.

Hatless, Yes, we went once in Tampa and I think is was about 25$!

Web, Always good to see your face around here. I try and do these every Wednesday.

Pam, we make these pineapples on our grill here too.

kathy, We love the salads too! and deserts!

Rita Loca said...

Findalis, Beef is very economical here., what with all the cattle roaming around!

Lady Fi! Oops, sorry!They do have great salads and deserts too.

Rita Loca said...

Nina, Maybe it was Paraguay but he heard Portugal????

Brooke said...

Ohh, now I'm hungry!

Debbie said...

That pineapple sounds heavenly. I know I would eat the entire thing.

Anonymous said...


Joy said...

We have a couple of these restaurants too around here. We go occasionally. The meat is so good. We have the little green/red cards. The salad bars are wonderful at these restaurants too.
I don't remember a pineapple served like you described. That would definitely get a green card from me. ;)


MightyMom said...

that meat sounds delisious.....

and the pineapple is something I definitely want to try!!