Monday, December 14, 2009

Sleepless in Asuncion

A question for the ladies...

I will be having  a hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair surgery tomorrow morning. (wondering if I should go with hardwood or ceramic???)I have received many emails from some of my regular readers telling me they have already had this surgery. I am wondering if you could share any information or tips with me as to how best to recover quickly and painlessly. Also, what pain medication were you given? How long did you need it? Did you have any unexpected symptoms or pain?

  Any information at all would be appreciated!

 A lot on my mind...


Pat said...

Have a friend who had it three weeks ago, and will be contacting you via FB or your blog!! {{HUGS}}

How is Jayde?

Anonymous said...

Hi JM -- Rebecca here from San Salvador (J. Spurling's friend from way back). I'm a RN and was on my own down here after a C-Section and found out that cataflam 50 mg worked very well for pain control after a couple of days in the hospital on IV pain meds. Maybe you can try 50 mg three times a day. You can find me at Praying for you and yours!

Terri said...

As much as you can and they will let you, get up and walk. It's not comfortable, but you don't want your muscles atrophying. Trust me.

Take your pain medicine if you START to hurt. If you wait til you are really hurting, the medicine won't be as effective.

AND if you run even a slight fever, tell your doctor.

If all goes well and you do those things, you will feel so much better so much faster.

Christie said...

I couldn't make myself take the narcotics, despite the need, because I hated the "crash" afterward when they began to wear off. The yucky nausea (for me) was worse than the pain. But I did notice a difference when I took the darvocets (or something along that line) in the hospital--they didn't offer me the choice to skip it there.

Make sure you carry that pillow around wherever you go, to support your healing belly muscles. You never know when a random cough is gonna pop up and send you reeling, and pressing into your belly with that pillow makes all the difference in the world.

DON'T overdo it. Walk when you can, but don't pick stuff up past the 5 lb flour sack weight limit while you're up, and don't do too much walking in the beginning. Get yourself some good books and movies, and just chill a while.

I was told I'd recover enough to go back to work (I didn't work, but that was the "guideline") within 3 weeks, but it took me a full six to be able to lift anything significant or to walk any distance without feeling like my guts were falling out.

If you need anything, please call. I'm only a holler away....

Miss Footloose said...

I have no wisdom or advice to offer, but will think of you and send you good cyber vibes / prayers and hope all will go well and you'll soon be better.

Where are you having this surgery done?

All the best!

Debbie said...

Give yourself all the time you need to recover. It's been years since I had mine,but I have never felt better than I did after it was all over and I was healed.

Shilo said...

Praying for you!

Dircy said...

Haven't had the pelvic floor repair, but did have a total hysterectomy back in February - but it was done by robot which was fantastic - barely 24 hours in the hospital - one week out of work - absolutely no pain - five little tiny incisions - will be praying for you.

Dawn said...

I haven't had the surgery, but have watched several friends go through it. My experience with them is that when they start feeling good, they do too much and have a setback. So be careful!

Love your intact wit!

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything at all about any of that, but I sure hope it isn't painful and you get back to being well soon.

~Karen_ said...

I will be praying, Rita!

Thursday's Child said...

No advice here for you, but I'm praying for you.

MightyMom said...

hey there honey, I left a lenghty message on facebook with pointers.

DEEEEEP BREATHS, you'll be fine. honestly you will!

it's easier than birthing babies.

Warren said...

Praying for your complete healing and comfort. I have been infirm for a year and have not been back to "our" house in VZ since August 2008. I hope to travel again in January, but will wait to see. Get well soon.

Webutante said...

Will be thinking of you Rita and sending prayers....get up and walk as soon as you can, and a little more every day. Also stay off a lot of sugar and dairy.

Anonymous said...

Follow the pillow advice AND the timely medicine advice! Don't wait until you hurt too much. I did have trouble coming off narcotics (was very depressed and didn't realize it was due to quitting "cold turkey" if you will) after a knee surgery, so if you do end up using narcotics, taper off...that's what I did my other knee surgery and I did fine!
A lurker! (-; (named Jolene)

Anonymous said...

I had one in July of this year. I am a redhead too. We tend to bleed more than some. Make sure you don't over do it in the beginning. 2 weeks out from the surgery I bled inside, the blood pooled and pushed it's way out through the incision. I healed just fine but I don't like set backs! no lifting over 5 lbs. no sweeping/washing floors for 6 weeks. I used Vicodin and prescription Motrin for pain. It's a long recovery but SOOO worth it!

wishing you well in Ohio,

Z said...

Christie's right..A FULL SIX WEEKS, Rita. My friends all say that. And DO NOT LIFT!