Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The things I see...

 A tour of Salto, Uruguay on a motorcycle.


Tamika: said...

What a beautiful exercision! I hope to have moments like these to capture.

Great pictures!

Gringo said...

FYI: Caracas Chronicles

Anonymous said...

"I walked today where Jesus walked..." I was in the Garden of Gethsemane today, just across the valley from the Eastern Gate. Tomorrow I'll be at the Garden Tomb and Temple Mount and yesterday I prayed for the peace of Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall.

- Brian

Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice place to visit.

Anonymous said...

I never pictured you as a motorcycle mama before, jm. ;-)

Brenda said...

I've been there before, its fun. Did you go to the hot springs?

Unknown said...

YOU rode a motorcycle?

firepig said...

From your pics and description, I am falling in love with Paraguay