Outside lights. Notice the Hammocks on the balcony!So nice and warm and christmasy! Hanging outside in the tropical , balmy weather! Oh Yeah!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas at our House
Outside lights. Notice the Hammocks on the balcony!So nice and warm and christmasy! Hanging outside in the tropical , balmy weather! Oh Yeah!!
Family Favorites
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
'Tis the Season to be busy....
It started last Friday with Jewels Banquet.They had about 100 teens! The teens ourcampground and had a formal banquet followed by all night games and such. They slept a few hours and then headed to the pool for the day. She got in just in time on Saturday to head to choir practice.
Sunday was a busy church day with extra choir practice for Jewel's adult choir, teen choir, and Ladies ensamble. Jayde had practicefor her childrens choir and stayed to practice her solo as well.
Monday we had a missionary luncheon and a gift exchange with all the MK's. (miissionary kids). Jayde got a Cardenales hat, Jewel got a bracelet, and Josh even got 3 deluxe chocalate bars. Eventho he wasn't here yet.
Monday night was the college and careers banquet at which Clint was speaking and Jewel was serving so.. everyone got home to bed around 1:30 am. We had about 100.
Tuesday was the adult banquet, Clint and I had made ceasar dressing for the Monday banquet, about 2 gallons. We had to make over 5 gallons and fry the bacon and grate cheese! Please , I never want to see garlic again!! We had 450 adults. once again, Jewel seved tables and her choir sang a short version of the cantata planned for Sunday. We had another late night.
Wednesday, I stayed home because, well I couldn't get out of bed. The old back, dont you know! So i didn't do much but the others had church and practices and....
I was feeling some better this morning but had only slept about 3 hours last night. Even so I figured I better get the groceries for Christmas bought before the stores ran out of everything.Already, we have no sugar and nuts in the stores and some other staples HOWEVER since I had bought up food in case of violence during the elections, we are all set!! Yeah!
I got home about 11 and could hardly walk, so Clint ordered me to bed. I woke up at 4:00!!!!!Good sleep and feel somewhat better. I think I am getting some arthritis mainly in my back, but have been having alot of pain in my knee and annkle, too.
Jayde had her SS christmas party, once again at the pool. Tht must seem odd to you all up north, but Cristmas without swimming would be like... Christams without snow????
Then Jewel hd volleyball practice for the womans church league. the tournaments are in January. Now Clint and the girls went over to help eat my sister-n-laws birthday cake. I still dont feel like sitting too long and want to rest up for JOSH. he gets in tomorrow. We are SO excited!
Tomorrow Josh arrives and we will take him out for Killers, the famouse steak subs here that Jackie posted the recipe for once.
Saturday we will bake and bake. Sunday is church and all the choir specials and Clint is preaching in the evening service. we will spend the day, Lord willing also celebrating the first Birthday of alitlle MK, Emma. Eating traditional venezuelan Christmas foods. Hallacas, pan de jamon, ensalada de gallina. Yummo!
On the 25th my in-laws are coming over toeat with us . we are having ham and all the fixins'.2 americanballplayers are coming also, and a single missionary who is from Ireland. He said he would bring something traditional Irish eat. I asked , "what?" He said, "potatoes" So Nigel is doing the potatoes if he can come.
Sorry this is long and rambling but thats how I feel right now, kind of scattered brained!
Love you all and have a very Merry Christmas! excuse the typos! cant get everything to work right and have sat too long for now.
Sunday was a busy church day with extra choir practice for Jewel's adult choir, teen choir, and Ladies ensamble. Jayde had practicefor her childrens choir and stayed to practice her solo as well.
Monday we had a missionary luncheon and a gift exchange with all the MK's. (miissionary kids). Jayde got a Cardenales hat, Jewel got a bracelet, and Josh even got 3 deluxe chocalate bars. Eventho he wasn't here yet.
Monday night was the college and careers banquet at which Clint was speaking and Jewel was serving so.. everyone got home to bed around 1:30 am. We had about 100.
Tuesday was the adult banquet, Clint and I had made ceasar dressing for the Monday banquet, about 2 gallons. We had to make over 5 gallons and fry the bacon and grate cheese! Please , I never want to see garlic again!! We had 450 adults. once again, Jewel seved tables and her choir sang a short version of the cantata planned for Sunday. We had another late night.
Wednesday, I stayed home because, well I couldn't get out of bed. The old back, dont you know! So i didn't do much but the others had church and practices and....
I was feeling some better this morning but had only slept about 3 hours last night. Even so I figured I better get the groceries for Christmas bought before the stores ran out of everything.Already, we have no sugar and nuts in the stores and some other staples HOWEVER since I had bought up food in case of violence during the elections, we are all set!! Yeah!
I got home about 11 and could hardly walk, so Clint ordered me to bed. I woke up at 4:00!!!!!Good sleep and feel somewhat better. I think I am getting some arthritis mainly in my back, but have been having alot of pain in my knee and annkle, too.
Jayde had her SS christmas party, once again at the pool. Tht must seem odd to you all up north, but Cristmas without swimming would be like... Christams without snow????
Then Jewel hd volleyball practice for the womans church league. the tournaments are in January. Now Clint and the girls went over to help eat my sister-n-laws birthday cake. I still dont feel like sitting too long and want to rest up for JOSH. he gets in tomorrow. We are SO excited!
Tomorrow Josh arrives and we will take him out for Killers, the famouse steak subs here that Jackie posted the recipe for once.
Saturday we will bake and bake. Sunday is church and all the choir specials and Clint is preaching in the evening service. we will spend the day, Lord willing also celebrating the first Birthday of alitlle MK, Emma. Eating traditional venezuelan Christmas foods. Hallacas, pan de jamon, ensalada de gallina. Yummo!
On the 25th my in-laws are coming over toeat with us . we are having ham and all the fixins'.2 americanballplayers are coming also, and a single missionary who is from Ireland. He said he would bring something traditional Irish eat. I asked , "what?" He said, "potatoes" So Nigel is doing the potatoes if he can come.
Sorry this is long and rambling but thats how I feel right now, kind of scattered brained!
Love you all and have a very Merry Christmas! excuse the typos! cant get everything to work right and have sat too long for now.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
LeLe made my day!
I downloaded videos of LeLe in Paraguay and it brought back so many memories of her mother when she was that age. And then I creid becuase I am missing out on this cute age of hers. I dont normally cry, but I did today. So, then I gave myself a pep talk about how good I have it! I mean I have a vonage phone, email, videos, my BLOG! What a great day to live in if one has to be seperated from loved ones! No more pity parties!So, I feel better counting my blessings and besides.... Josh is coming home in 5 days!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
For my bi-cultural familia!! This is a favorito of the season!!
Jim and Nita Lee (Dec. 1972)
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the casa,
Not a creature ws stirring -- Caramba! Que pasa?
Los ninos were tucked away in their camas,
Some in long underwear, some in pijamas,
While hanging the stockings with mucho cuidado
In hopes that old Santa would feel obligado
To bring all children, both buenos and malos,
A nice batch of dulces and other regalos.
Outside in the yard there arose such a grito
That I jumped to my feet like a fightened cabrito.
I ran to the window and looked out afuera,
And who in the world do you think that it era?
Saint Nick in a sleigh and a big red sombrero
Came dashing along like a crazy bombero.
And pulling his sleigh instead of venados
Were eight little burros approaching volados.
I watched as they came and this quaint little hombre
Was shouting and whistling and calling by nombre:
"Ay Pancho, ay Pepe, ay Cuco, ay Beto,
Ay Chato, ay Chopo, Macuco, y Nieto!"
Then standing erect with his hands on his pecho
He flew to the top of our very own techo.
With his round little belly like a bowl of jalea,
He struggled to squeeze down our old chiminea,
Then huffing and puffing at last in our sala,
With soot smeared all over his red suit de gala,
He filled all the stockings with lovely regalos --
For none of the ninos had been very malos.
Then chuckling aloud, seeming very contento,
He turned like a flash and was gone like the viento.
And I heard him exclaim, and this is verdad,
Merry Christmas to all, and Feliz Navidad!
Jim and Nita Lee (Dec. 1972)
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the casa,
Not a creature ws stirring -- Caramba! Que pasa?
Los ninos were tucked away in their camas,
Some in long underwear, some in pijamas,
While hanging the stockings with mucho cuidado
In hopes that old Santa would feel obligado
To bring all children, both buenos and malos,
A nice batch of dulces and other regalos.
Outside in the yard there arose such a grito
That I jumped to my feet like a fightened cabrito.
I ran to the window and looked out afuera,
And who in the world do you think that it era?
Saint Nick in a sleigh and a big red sombrero
Came dashing along like a crazy bombero.
And pulling his sleigh instead of venados
Were eight little burros approaching volados.
I watched as they came and this quaint little hombre
Was shouting and whistling and calling by nombre:
"Ay Pancho, ay Pepe, ay Cuco, ay Beto,
Ay Chato, ay Chopo, Macuco, y Nieto!"
Then standing erect with his hands on his pecho
He flew to the top of our very own techo.
With his round little belly like a bowl of jalea,
He struggled to squeeze down our old chiminea,
Then huffing and puffing at last in our sala,
With soot smeared all over his red suit de gala,
He filled all the stockings with lovely regalos --
For none of the ninos had been very malos.
Then chuckling aloud, seeming very contento,
He turned like a flash and was gone like the viento.
And I heard him exclaim, and this is verdad,
Merry Christmas to all, and Feliz Navidad!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Happy Birthday, Shane!!!
I cant get my picture to upload, but this is for you , Shane!
S: sweet as can be
H:handsome and then some
A: awesome
N:nice, too
E:Excellent, in all ways
R:really, really fun to be with
I:intellegente,dont we know
O:only one of his kind
S:Silly, just the way we like
S: sweet as can be
H:handsome and then some
A: awesome
N:nice, too
E:Excellent, in all ways
R:really, really fun to be with
I:intellegente,dont we know
O:only one of his kind
S:Silly, just the way we like
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Life Goes On
We have all been a bit depressed around here, so we decided to put up our tree. We can only be encouraged when we remember , God loves us, sent His son to be our Savior, and will come for us at the appointed time. The girls did most of the work on the tree and Clint and I did the outside lights. This is the largest tree we aver have had. we inherited it used from some other americans who left Venezuela. Clint and I went out looking for lights and it took almost the whole day. But, hey thats socialism for you! (oops! I let that slip)

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Psalms 105:1
O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name:make known his deed among the people.
Yesterday we did the first part, gave thanks. Lets not forget the rest of this verse. Call upon his name. In times of plenty, times of good health, times of ease, we often forget to call upon his name. Lets make an effort to continue to call upon the name of the Lord.
And the last part of the verse, make known His deeds among the people. Have you done that?
Lets be sure and share our Lord with those who need to know of Him.
Those of us here in our own little"blog ring" have a big responsibility. We are alll scattered throughout the world, we all have our own " people" group we need to be sharing with.
I'm so proud of each and every one of you as you serve and are a witness in your own little corner.
My husband, or even my son- in-law, or for that matter, my son, could make this a 3 point sermon outline, all I can do is share my rambling thoughts. But this was what I was reading and it struck me as a 3 part command.
1. Give Thanks
Well thats my 2 cents worth!!
O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name:make known his deed among the people.
Yesterday we did the first part, gave thanks. Lets not forget the rest of this verse. Call upon his name. In times of plenty, times of good health, times of ease, we often forget to call upon his name. Lets make an effort to continue to call upon the name of the Lord.
And the last part of the verse, make known His deeds among the people. Have you done that?
Lets be sure and share our Lord with those who need to know of Him.
Those of us here in our own little"blog ring" have a big responsibility. We are alll scattered throughout the world, we all have our own " people" group we need to be sharing with.
I'm so proud of each and every one of you as you serve and are a witness in your own little corner.
My husband, or even my son- in-law, or for that matter, my son, could make this a 3 point sermon outline, all I can do is share my rambling thoughts. But this was what I was reading and it struck me as a 3 part command.
1. Give Thanks
Well thats my 2 cents worth!!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving, Again!
As some of you know this is our third thanksgiving meal this week. Monday with fellow BIMI missionaries, yesterday ith the american baseball players here for winter ball, and today at my brother-in-law's. Alas, after yesterday and all that led up to it, I am spending this one in bed. My husband set me up with the laptop so I can blog!! My girls brought me a plate of goodies and ice and a 2 liter Diet Coke to have on hand. They also brought me my cell phone, the house phone and the vonage phone!! So I am well cared for.
Here is a list I started in my head; T: time spent with loved ones, H: Hubby, of course, A: America the beautiful, N: news from home, K: kids, all four, plus Brian, S: safety in difficult times, G: grandbaby Elena, I: inspired Word of God, V: Venezuela, my adopted home,
I: in-laws ,here in the country of Venezuela, N: nephews, Josh and Shane, G: good times!!!
Here is a list I started in my head; T: time spent with loved ones, H: Hubby, of course, A: America the beautiful, N: news from home, K: kids, all four, plus Brian, S: safety in difficult times, G: grandbaby Elena, I: inspired Word of God, V: Venezuela, my adopted home,
I: in-laws ,here in the country of Venezuela, N: nephews, Josh and Shane, G: good times!!!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tasting Tables
Nose News is Good News!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Our Big Weekend Plans
We all have big plans this weekend. I'll start with El Jefe. He is having a Bible Study at the baseball stadium tonight before the double header,with the spanish speaking christian players.He has a bilingual chapel on Sunday for all interested. Its interesting that he also has a good group of umpires attending on Sundays. He started doing a chapel for them since they are not allowed to fraternize with the teams.So He'll do 3 chapels Sunday.Home t4am, visiting, and umpires.
He has his regular Saturday Bible institute in Quibor about an hour away. And besides the chapels on Sunday , it is our church's Mission Month, so we are busy with that.
ME: I am having 4 of my neices and nephews over for the night. There is a Teen girl slumber party at their house. So, we are using the video porjector and speakers we use for ministry, but tonight it will be for them! We'll watch ,Cars and something for the girls.Saturday I have to get the food reaady for Jaydes display at church Sunday morning. The childrens choir is setting up exhibits of food from around the world for everyone to see after the morning service.I was planning to do tiny PBJ sandwiches and brownies,but my peanut butter is so precious!! Not too sure about sharing it with 800 people.Maybe I'll just display Happy meals and share the brownies? Jayde will be dressed as a cowgirl. Jewel made her a vest to wear. She has the boots and hat and sixshooter. Jewel will help her. She wants to wear Clints MARINE CORP COVER AND UNIFORM...not sure about that either in this anti- american country.
JEWEL: she is going to the slumber party at her aunts. Then she has her own group Bible Study and visitation Saturday afternoon . The youth choir is also singing Sunday, as well as the church choir, as well as the ladies ensamble whee.....
JAYDE: she is ecxcited that her cousins are coming over tonight. She has childrens choir practice tomorrow , but we will wait to see how the tonsilitis is. And she is excited about her display of course. Not many opportunities here to show off being american!!!
Wish you all could be here with us!
He has his regular Saturday Bible institute in Quibor about an hour away. And besides the chapels on Sunday , it is our church's Mission Month, so we are busy with that.
ME: I am having 4 of my neices and nephews over for the night. There is a Teen girl slumber party at their house. So, we are using the video porjector and speakers we use for ministry, but tonight it will be for them! We'll watch ,Cars and something for the girls.Saturday I have to get the food reaady for Jaydes display at church Sunday morning. The childrens choir is setting up exhibits of food from around the world for everyone to see after the morning service.I was planning to do tiny PBJ sandwiches and brownies,but my peanut butter is so precious!! Not too sure about sharing it with 800 people.Maybe I'll just display Happy meals and share the brownies? Jayde will be dressed as a cowgirl. Jewel made her a vest to wear. She has the boots and hat and sixshooter. Jewel will help her. She wants to wear Clints MARINE CORP COVER AND UNIFORM...not sure about that either in this anti- american country.
JEWEL: she is going to the slumber party at her aunts. Then she has her own group Bible Study and visitation Saturday afternoon . The youth choir is also singing Sunday, as well as the church choir, as well as the ladies ensamble whee.....
JAYDE: she is ecxcited that her cousins are coming over tonight. She has childrens choir practice tomorrow , but we will wait to see how the tonsilitis is. And she is excited about her display of course. Not many opportunities here to show off being american!!!
Wish you all could be here with us!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The Bride of Frankenstein
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Make My Day
I must admit ,after 10 years in the jungle,I am amazed at all this new technology.But...I love the way I can hear from all my family so quickly.(kids,sister,and even long ,lost cousins)
I love the way I can hear from old friends. Stay in touch with people I may never see again on this earth. (Monti)
I love the way I can get to know people that I have never even met.(M.J.)It's fun for me to see my children interact via the internet,even though they are in 3 separate countries.(Maybe Jackie shares a tad too much!)
We truly live in a great day! When I get saddened by the changes in my life,namely, having to have left our home in the jungle,I remind myself of this and other blessings that God is allowing me to enjoy.
So everyone , keep on posting comments!It makes my day.
I love the way I can hear from old friends. Stay in touch with people I may never see again on this earth. (Monti)
I love the way I can get to know people that I have never even met.(M.J.)It's fun for me to see my children interact via the internet,even though they are in 3 separate countries.(Maybe Jackie shares a tad too much!)
We truly live in a great day! When I get saddened by the changes in my life,namely, having to have left our home in the jungle,I remind myself of this and other blessings that God is allowing me to enjoy.
So everyone , keep on posting comments!It makes my day.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Sin Damage
While contemplating how the sun has slowly,even silently been damaging my skin all these years,it reminded me of the effects of sin in our lives.
We slowly are absorbing all the "junk" of this world and often think."Hey,I'm ok.It's not effecting me." and then one day we wake up and find our life in a mess.Or our testimony ruined.
Then we have to submit ourselves to a thorough inspection and it often involves pain and may even leave scares.Also, just as the sun damage is accumulative and requires vigilance even after we give up the bad habits of exposure and even if we are using SPF100(YEP,thats what I use) without warning a new lesion appears seemingly over night. It is a constant battle.
Sin is the same way. Once we give in ,the effects remain and the temptations are harder to fend off.
Dont you think?
We slowly are absorbing all the "junk" of this world and often think."Hey,I'm ok.It's not effecting me." and then one day we wake up and find our life in a mess.Or our testimony ruined.
Then we have to submit ourselves to a thorough inspection and it often involves pain and may even leave scares.Also, just as the sun damage is accumulative and requires vigilance even after we give up the bad habits of exposure and even if we are using SPF100(YEP,thats what I use) without warning a new lesion appears seemingly over night. It is a constant battle.
Sin is the same way. Once we give in ,the effects remain and the temptations are harder to fend off.
Dont you think?
Sun Damage
To my 3 faithful posters! Thanks! I still haven't made it to the salon ,maybe tomorrow.
I did make it to the dermatologist. She inspected every centimeter and every freckle,which took quite some time as you can imagine.I showed here where the 9 lesions had been that I have had removed so far.She was so excited to see sun damage !!She usually deals with latins and that is not normally a problem. So she cauterized 3 more lesions for me. Such fun! I felt like I was the parilla this time.
Unfortunately, I have arecurring lesion on the right side of my nose bridge,next to the eye,that has returned for the 4th time.I have used creams,cautirization,surgery,and bone scrapings,but...it keeps coming back.Since the biopsies show it to be Basal Cell,I have to do it again.And of course she wants me to go to Caracas to see a specialist in Micro Surgery who can take more tissue and leave less scaring.
Now, I'm not vain ,and to date I have had 4 facial lesions removed, but we are talking my nose here!!!and if they take to much skin my eye gets pulled and looks funny! So, I guess I'm off to Caracas.
So pray about that . I need to do it sooner reather than later,but its hard to get an appointment with the specialist.I'ld like to have it done and be healed by Christmas so as not to have it in all the Christmas fotos!!!
I can see it labeled in all the family scrapbooks, Mom as Rudolf!!!!
I did make it to the dermatologist. She inspected every centimeter and every freckle,which took quite some time as you can imagine.I showed here where the 9 lesions had been that I have had removed so far.She was so excited to see sun damage !!She usually deals with latins and that is not normally a problem. So she cauterized 3 more lesions for me. Such fun! I felt like I was the parilla this time.
Unfortunately, I have arecurring lesion on the right side of my nose bridge,next to the eye,that has returned for the 4th time.I have used creams,cautirization,surgery,and bone scrapings,but...it keeps coming back.Since the biopsies show it to be Basal Cell,I have to do it again.And of course she wants me to go to Caracas to see a specialist in Micro Surgery who can take more tissue and leave less scaring.
Now, I'm not vain ,and to date I have had 4 facial lesions removed, but we are talking my nose here!!!and if they take to much skin my eye gets pulled and looks funny! So, I guess I'm off to Caracas.
So pray about that . I need to do it sooner reather than later,but its hard to get an appointment with the specialist.I'ld like to have it done and be healed by Christmas so as not to have it in all the Christmas fotos!!!
I can see it labeled in all the family scrapbooks, Mom as Rudolf!!!!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Its Me!(again)
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