You seemed so interested in the photos of the tarantulas, I thought I would share this one with you as well.
We had many run ins with the tarantulas, sometimes my children would keep them for a few days to play around with, one was so large, my son shot it.
Some of the tribes in Venezuela eat tarantulas. A missionary kid told me that the legs taste like shrimp!
Cocktail sauce anyone?
I'll stick to my mudbugs thanks!
Really??? I love shrimp!!!
Oh, that's just too nasty. Ugh!
I'm going to risk running into one now, but so far this summer {knocking wood now} we haven't seen any.
Aww Jayde is so cute in that pic! xD
Wow you got 27 comments on the last one...that's interesting...
I'll be happy if they stay in that glass jar. I'm not surprised your son shot it, the size of that thing!
I don't mind spiders, i often find them wandering around the house or office and i take em' outside and set em' free, but not before scaring the tripe out of anyone nearby. :)
However if one of those were to make it inside, if it doesn't know how to get out by itself and fast, you going down buddy, real hard.
To get a tarantula in Michigan, you have to go to a pet store that specializes in reptiles and oddball pets. That makes me kind of jealous because I'm too cheap to buy one. On the other hand, it's bad enough when my wife or daughter call me to kill a regular sized spider. I can imagine the panic at one of these.
We are too jaded in our tastes. We should remember that G-d provides creatures for our daily needs too.
Still I would never eat a spider. Too creepy.
Gross!! Yuck...I just read the post about the spider as big as a dinner plate! Wow, I think I would run away...I don't think I would return!!=) You have the coolest stories!! Keep it up!!
gimme a broom and watch that sucka fly!!!
I know MK's have many different food opportunities. My cousin from AFrica used to bring grasshoppers in for Grandma to fry for him when they were on furlough - now called Home Leave, I believe (every four years in those days).
You sure he didn't say that they taste just like chicken? Shudder.
WOW! No thank you!!! Your daughter is brave to hold that container up to her face like that! I'm a complete Arachniphobe! :P
Pics are amazing, it was a real fun watching them..)
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