The Metropolitan Police and demonstrators have had clashes as people congregate to protest the take over of RCTV. The protesters were peaceful and the police brought out the Ballena
( Water truck) and used tear gas. The protesters were forced to leave but have returned and began singing the Venezuelan National Anthem . I have seen the face off, nose to nose, of several protesters speaking to the police. At least 11 police are wounded.
You can watch video footage here!
8:45 Update: The police have once again used tear gas on a peaceful protest.
10:20 UPDATE: It appears that there are shooters in Prados del Este. Shooting at the metropolitan police. I am not condoning violence, but, I understand how they feel! When there is no longer any pacific way to protest or be heard.
12:oo UPDATE: It is done! the RCTV emblem is gone! Now we see the new television social emblem! TVes.
UPDATE: All media is warned not to refer to this as a closure of RCTV, but rather that their concession (liscense) has not been re-newed.
2:30 am: UPDATE: Another clash with the Metropolitan Police. You can see video footage of a peaceful protest with pot banging here.
More fotos at
Jungle mom. I was at the demonstration with a few friends. When the police started dropping tear gas bombs I ran as far as I could and we were lucky enough to hide in a hotel for a while, then they drop tear gas bombs again from both sides, front and back, we didn't knew where to run. After a while we could finally run to a safe place and come back home. They attacked again after we left, Im so angry! But luckily, Im home now. You can't protest here. This is truly a dictatorship. My head hurts a lot, I think probably because of the gas.