Thursday, April 12, 2007

You should all be Linguists!

For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.. John 3:16

Porque de tal manera amo al mundo, que ha dado su Hijo unigenito, para que todo aquel que en el cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. Juan3:16

Wanaadi tameedä soto cumjumma'to jooje, chääjäcäinchädäiñe Tönnedö yäätonno 'jemjönö tu'ene'jödöödä. Iiñedö ecaanö’nei annamjö'da na'de, yeichö töwaatamemjönö töweiye na.
Juan 3:16


Liz said...

A question JM, do you speak and/or write this language?

If so.. WOW! me thinking that french or german were hard!!

To tell you the truth, the first time I heard about this etnia was here. How do you write the etnia name in spanish? Cause I'm clueless.

Another question, are you guys translating all the Bible? or just the New Testament?

Rita Loca said...

I do but my children and my husband know the language much better than I.
The Ye'kwana are known by the name Maquiritare in the Amazon state. In Bolivar where we were they prefer Ye'kwana.
New Tribes has translated the New Testament. It was done in the early 60's. A New Tribe missionary was translating the Old Testament when the presidential decree forced all to leave. i believe he is still translating in the states. My husband has been working on the book of Ruth but mainly has done some Bible Doctrine classes for the indians to be able to do on their own. Since they are all alone without any missionary teachers now.
we had indians traveling out here to work with us on this but the government no longer will allow them to buy the gas they need for their motors and since the massacres of La Paragua and the Alto Caura, which is our region, it is too dangerous for the indians to travel by river any more. Very sad!

Liz said...

Someday Rita... pobrecitos, se me pone el corazón chiquitico.

(Maquiritare, that name I do know!)